How to play Biome

Rounds of the game move through the 4 seasons, with each season having its own thematic impact on the biome.  In the standard mode babies are born in the spring while in the summer you protect your babies and feed them so they may fledge and leave the nest. Additionally, in the advanced mode, each fall an animal migrates to an opponent's Biome, while in winter your reptiles will brumate. 

Each season has two phases: the simultaneous gameplay phase and the action phase. In the simultaneous phase one draws cards and collects resources to play a plant or animal into your Biome. After the seasonal event, in the turn-based play phase, players activate one of the actions of the cards already placed in their biome.

In the "action phase" of each season, you get to activate the ability of each plant or animal. But, each action can only be used once per game, so you will have to build your action engine thoughtfully to maximize points.

Be sure to play your birds and rabbits next to plants, so that in Spring, they will make nests and have babies. But beware, in Summer, your opponents' predators are on the prowl. Protect your baby animals by playing more plants. Earn points with successful hunts and by feeding your baby animals.

Outmaneuver your opponents by activating the special abilities of your plants and animals and compete for biodiversity achievements. Everyone can earn points from the same achievements, but beat your opponents to earn the maximum points! 

Designed For Endless Replayability With Diverse Paths To Victory

There are many ways to win victory points; from the value of plant and animal cards played into your Biome (player board), to achievements won, actions taken, baby animals raised and from successful hunts of other player’s nests.

The game combines multiple game mechanics from card placement, engine building, resource management and more. The game is also a board game owner's delight with a premium feel, wooden components, straw nests and attractive card design plus fun facts on each plant and animal card. 

YES! Biome comes with real straw nests. And yes, you get to put baby rabbit and chick tokens in your nests each spring.